Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 students follow a structured timetable and teaching sessions are based on the national curriculum. With continued emotional support, children are able to further develop in an environment that aims to meet their individual needs. Some of the subjects students are expected to study are: Maths, English, Science and functional skills.

Core Subjects: English, Maths, Sciences, Computing are delivered using work set from Base School, or by following KS3 resources from various providers. Furthermore, for students on a long term basis we will deliver our bespoke Schemes of Learning (SoL), which will be accredited with the appropriate level qualification (subject to approval from Base School).

Emotional Intelligence: Through teacher led discussions, activities, workshops and personal life examples, students learn about the 5 strands that make up emotional intelligence (Self-reflection, Self-regulation, Empathy, Motivation and Social Skills).

Expected Outcome: By the end of the 5 modules, students should be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses in accordance to age and oratory skills.

Personality Types: Students will learn about the 9 personality types using the Enneagram model developed and described by Don Richard Riso (d.2012).

Expected Outcomes: Recognising their own personality type will support students to understand themselves and assist in regulating their behaviour

Courses offered: Courses options will be discussed with student, Parent and base School. Please note that all registrations for courses must be made at Base School.

Our Key Stage 3 offer will support students with both academic skills and life skills, preparing them for their future role within our society.